영어 문법 가이드 가능성을 위한 조동사: can/could
Modals for Possibility: can/could
기능 - can / could can 및 부정사 는 능력 과 무언가가 가능 하거나 허용 된다고 말하기 위해 사용됩니다.
Abilities 능력 Possibilities 가능성 Permissions 권한 부여 문법 - can / could can 의 부정 은 can't 입니다.
can 의 과거형은 could 입니다.
could 의 부정 은 couldn't 입니다.
can + INFINITIVE can + 부정사 I can swim . cannot → can't He can't drive . Past simple: can → could You could go last year. could not → couldn't People couldn't fly 200 years ago. 예 - can SUBJ. can INF. ... I can swim 500m .You can get a 30 day visa .He can drive well .She can take 20 days off a year .We can meet at 3 .They can play outside .
예 - can't SUBJ. can't INF. ... I can't swim well .You can't get a 2 year visa .He can't drive well .She can't take 6 months off a year .We can't meet at 3 .They can't play in the street .
예 - could SUBJ. could INF. ... TIME PHRASE I could swim 50m last year. You could buy them 5 years ago. He could sing it yesterday. She could run 10km last year. We could see it yesterday. They could play here 50 years ago.
예 - couldn't SUBJ. couldn't INF. ... TIME PHRASE I couldn't swim well before. You couldn't buy them last year. He couldn't sing it last week. She couldn't relax at all last month. We couldn't see it yesterday. They couldn't buy phones 200 years ago.
문법 - CAN : 예/아니오 질문 ➤ Yes / No Can 및 could 는 의문문에서 주어 앞에 옵니다.
예/아니오 대답이 가능한 닫힌 질문 에서는 짧은 대답에 동사 can 를 사용합니다.
Can /Could + SUBJECT + INFINITIVE ... ?Can /Could + 주어 + 부정사 ... ?Yes, + SUBJECT + can . No, + SUBJECT + can't . Yes, + SUBJECT + could . No, + SUBJECT + couldn't . 예 - CAN : 예/아니오 질문 ➤ Yes / No CAN S. ... Y /N S. CAN Can you swim well? ➤ Yes, I can .Can you sing well? ➤ No, I can't .Could you help earlier? ➤ Yes, I could .Could you go earlier? ➤ No, I couldn't .
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